Hotel sauna

The hotel sauna is a separate area with a sauna and relaxation facilities.

Time is reserved daily for hotel guests. Outside the time reserved for hotel guests, the space is rented privately as a whole. Contact the reception for reservations.

The entire space in which the dry sauna is located is lined with wood and equipped with a stove with heated stones, which are poured with water to keep the generated steam.

Sauna, extremely popular in Finland or Russia, is very beneficial for your physical and mental well-being – at an air temperature of around 90 degrees, the heart rate increases and blood circulation improves. It strengthens the blood circulation and immune system. In addition, the pores open and the body swells free of toxic substances. The heat also releases muscle tension.

Price list:

  • 1,5 hours / 1-2 people        500 CZK
  • 2 hours / 1-2 persons         650 CZK
  • fee for another person     +150 CZK

Relaxation room

Rest areas are the right place where the body equalizes the temperatures after the sauna bath and the body calmly reconciles with all the influences that acted on it. Try not to do anything at all for a while.